Thursday, July 10, 2008

Those who were hear before us and 4 Corners.

I decided to drive through the Navajo Nation, partly because there seemed to be stuff that I wanted to see and also because I was completely intrigued by the idea of traveling through a country within a country. Having never really been to a native american reservation for any length of time, I thought it was about time.
Though completely inhospitable in many ways, the scenery is just amazing! From Monument Valley, to the Navajo National Monument and then many places in between, the reservation is gorgeous. It is a shame that still within such beauty there are a whole group of people barely subsisting. The shacks are numerous and lack of money is obvious. I won't go into it any more here, but lets just say, C had a good time. Indian monuments are much more K-9 friendly.

The 4 Corners, really do come to a per
fect intersection. It is quite a surreal feeling knowing you are simultaneously in 4 states. C preferred the NM quadrant.


Unknown said...

WoW! Very scenic spot! Luv the reddish and tan coloured sandstone valley pict with Cousteau in the foreground! Another favourite of mine!

Pretty amazing you were standing @ the quadripoint in the Navajo Nation! Did Cousteau mark his territory in the NM boundary? =)

Julia said...

Yeah, great shot of Cousteau in Monument Valley! One of these days I have to make it there too! :-)

Hope all is going well!
We all miss you here at WOED